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EKG finally

Well, the other vet finally made it out to EKG my Wapiti bred mare.  [My 
regular vet does not have an EKG machine.]  The new vet said the rhythm was 
definitely abnormal, but she needed to go and research exactly what was wrong 
with the mare.  There were "S" waves unmatched by "P" and some other letter 
waves.  New vet said there's a possibility one of the ventricles is not 
beating in the manner it should.  Also, there were periods of a flurry of 
beats, followed by a prolonged period of no beats.  So, she'll be doing 
research and calling me back.  I noted that it appeared that she at least had 
an idea what was wrong and she said, "Yes."  I asked if this was what she 
thinks it is, is it "fixable" and she kind of hummed at me, "umm, umm, 
ummmmm."  Does not make me optimistic.  I'm very sad today.  

Any vets or others out there that can refer me to web sites where I can try 
and read up more on heart problems in horses?  And treatments for heart 


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