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Re: Sam Update! :)
Thanks for the latest update, Susan
I just used furacin on my filly-- ugh!
What cream would you recommend? Do they sell Neosporin ointment in mega
tubes for horses? (I'd hate to have to buy those little human tubes---
cost a fortune!) What are some commercial names for a good triple
antibiotic cream (I take it Panalog is still a no-no for the first 14
Bette Lamore
Whispering Oaks Arabians, Home of 16.2hh TLA Halynov
(Yes, really 16.2!)
Susan Garlinghouse wrote:
> > The vet explained that you use the Furozone (Furacin-- my spelling is
> > off tonight and I'd have to go down to the barn to get the generic name)
> > to produce the granulation to fill in the wound, then around 14 days
> Just a quick comment that the newest information is NOT to use furacin on
> fresh wounds, as it decreases wound healing by 25% (in other words, you're
> worse off than if you used nothing) and so is more likely to produce proud
> flesh. If you use a triple antibiotic cream, the average wound healing is
> *increased* by 25% (that's a good thing) and so you're less likely to get
> proud flesh formation.
> We just got that in surgery lecture a few weeks ago and was published in the
> Journal of Equine Surgery. Pretty cool information. At the CSU-VTH, we
> only use furacin for leg sweats.
> Susan G
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