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Bitting question

I know this is going to get me preached at, but I'll start simply.  I've
lost the address for the place that has a wide selection of 4 3/4" bits. 
If you have a good source I'd like to know about them.

Now. I'm looking at trying another bit on Kaboot.  He's getting stronger
every day and what we're doing isn't working.  When he *wants* to be he
can be very light on a snaffle bit with a running martingale. He's a
dream after 70 miles or so. >g<  Trouble is he's a weird mix.  He wants
to pull on the snaffle, but the slightest leverage goes a LONG way with
him...he tends to over react.  The only leverage I've used on him is the
short shanked, wide flat noseband English hackamore Teddy sells.  Though
it's really very mild (I've even wrapped the biothane curb strap with vet
wrap) he acts like it's severe and will respond, but it makes him
furious.  I feel like it puts more pressure on his chin than his noseband
so he has a tendency to lift his nose slightly with it, whereas he
travels with his head low in the snaffle, and even lower when he's
pulling me in it.  It's easier to steady his *big* trot with the snaffle.
 I like the contact, but my shoulders are starting to be too
overdeveloped for women's clothes. :-P  

I'm interested in suggestions for a short shanked leverage bit.  I'm even
considering double reins though I think it's asking a little much when
I'm trying to sponge on the fly.  When I looked in my files I ran across
a testimonial for the Lynda Tellington-Jones T-Touch bit.  I remember
that it looks like a real killer, but people swear that it actually
softens the horse.  I recall at the convention last year being concerned
that it was wide (probably 5") but they assured me it would work well. 
I'd be curious to try one for 10 minutes.  Anybody with an equine
delinquent like mine had success with it? Was that what they used on Rio?

My Welsh ponies go best in a mild grazing curb but the largest I've got
is 4 1/2 and it's too small for Kaboot. I think I'll order a 4 3/4 of one
of those first.  Anybody got any advice?  Favorites?

Angie (who had a blast doing speed work today, regardless)


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