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Re: RC: gophers
We have these varmints down here on the great southern sandbar know as Florida
called a Gopher Tortoise. These suckers can get quit big, about 15 inches across
and 6 inches high. The term "gopher" comes from the fact they live underground.
They dig the huge holes into the pastures. They can throw sand farther than a 200
pound dog. They dig these big villages into the ground. They don't dig straight
down, but the tunnels can break down and a horse can fall up to his chest in them.
The rub comes since - you guessed it - they are on the endangered species list; so
you cannot disturb them. It turns out that my horses know where they are and there
doesn't seem to be much a problem with them - thank goodness. If you ride in the FL
sandhills you would seriously wonder why they are considered endangered, but alas,
the sand hills are disappearing under concrete and urban sprawl.
Bette Lamore wrote:
> Dear Lynn
> Sounds like something out of the script of Caddy Shack! (Chevy Chase and
> Bill Murray--- priceless humor for all those with gopher problems!)
> Bette
> Lynn Kinsky wrote:
> >
> > >In a message dated 03/15/2001 8:59:59 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> > >scottj@cyberlynk.com writes:
> > >Hi, Dede.
> > >
> > >Depends on how big your pasture is. I've got ground squirrels here and my
> > >method worked on my 5 acres, and now the cats keep them from coming back.
> > >Try shoving regular road flares down the tunnels, or use the hose. You have
> > >to do it several times before they get discouraged and move on to greener
> > >pastures. I don't like poisons or traps either, but the cats catching them
> > >just seem to be more "natural". Less guilt for me, I guess. I'm actually
> > >more concerned about myself than the horses. Broke my ankle by running full
> > >tilt and stepping in a gopher hole. : ( Good luck.
> > >
> > >Abigail Madden
> >
> >
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