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Re: Natural Ride Pad?

Hi April & Welcome Back -
I have a Natural Ride. The idea is great, but in reality, I found it quite uncomfortable, as it changes the way a bareback rider sits the horse. This is only my opinion, but you probably will not like the way it is. I ride bareback a lot, so I feel qualified to give you my opinion. Oh by the way, I do use a bareback pad, both because I usually have to stop somewhere after I ride (read "public places :0") and I attatched saddle bags to it. I'll tell you 'bout that, too if you want. I modify a lot of my tack, so I just changed them both to work for me, and my horses.
Anyway, I have modified my "Ride" quite bit, and to make a long story short, what I now have is a wonderful, comfy and secure hybrid pad/saddle with 5/8 rigging, and my stirrups under my feet where they belong. The "Ride" itself cost $120 new, and I have spent about another $100 +/-  to modify it, maybe a little $$$ I know, but I don't regret it at all. Let me know...
Cheryl in WNY
Horse kids Kit, Bobby & Dani
-----Original Message-----
From: April Johnson <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, March 16, 2001 7:38 PM
Subject: RC: Natural Ride Pad?

Hi, Ridecampers!
Thought I'd bother people again.
I'm back on track! 
Anyhoo, my real point in "penning" this email was to ask if anybody had experience using the Natural Ride "treeless" saddle.  Looks like a glorified bareback pad to me.  I don't like bareback pads.  Never have.  Just wondering if anybody had used it.  Long distance experience or otherwise welcome.
Thanks!  :)
BTW, on the Hanes thread. Try Hanes Her Way Sport with high thighs.
April, the bareback rider -- I'm Baaaaaack!!
Santana -- What's that on my back???
Daniel (husband) -- It's cold out here.

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