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Re: RC: 'Lytes, applesauce and...Karen?
Hi Nina:
Go here: http://members.nbci.com/ridephotos/electrolytes/compare.html and
scroll down to the bottom.
The probiotics I use are Optamax, from United Vet Equine. Actually, for
the last several rides I haven't used any -- just the plain enduromax and
applesauce (maybe a little water), and can't tell any difference. Horses
still eat good, and have good gut sounds.
The cans of applescause I use are 16 oz. Another thing that helps, when
you mix it up in the blender -- let the mixture settle for an hour or two
and then mix it up some more. If it dissolves thoroughly, it is less
likely to clog your syringes. If you want to mix a smaller amount, the
snack size applescause containers work really well -- just eat half of it
<G>, and put in an ounce or two of e-lytes and stir. Or you can put it
into a yogurt container and do it that way.
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