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Re: RC: Re: RE: Re: Re: gophers
<I do hear people talking about a friend of a friend that heard a story about a rancher whose feed dealer talked to a brand inspector that thought he'd remembered something about it. But you also hear 'information' about all kinds of other crap that way, and it's still crap.
Same thoughts here, where I grew up in NJ, we had ground hogs which caused the same problems. However, I've never knew anyone who actually had a horse step in a hole and get hurt. We had a few holes (understatment) in the pasture my parents boarded horses in and we never had a problem.
Old wive's tale around our area was that horses can feel the holes (hollowness?) under their feet near the holes and could avoid them without even actually seeing them. Have no idea if theirs any truth at all to that. However, whenever we introduced a new horse to the herd and they all went running like mad they all avoided the holes. Could never eradicate the groundhogs as my dad (who was also a tough Newark, NJ cop for 25 years) would never kill another creature. (non-human, anyways

Just my 2 cents worth....
Patti (but thank goodness I wised up and moved to Florida!)
Mercedes (you're telling me! snow! eewwwww!)
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