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Re: Re: Re: Re: Think! Animal By Products in feed
> *********Who said that I don't have an interest to go out and find out
> information for myself?
> You continue to make unfair and inaccurate conclusions towards me, yet
> hardly know anything about me.
I was going to let this thread go, but the comment I made that you didnt
have the time or interest to find out, yada yada' was my mistake, based on a
comment I got privately yesterday that I thought was you. But, that aside,
I don't consider Whole Horse Journal or the like to be education. JMO.
> I feel that I have made very educated decisions about feeding my horses.
> Would you believe that I actually get my pasture and feed analyzed? I even
> go as far as balancing out the ration (thanks to researching, reading, and
> also to you for helping to educate me ). Would you believe that in 13
> of owning horses, I have yet to call the vet for any kind of medical
> problems with my horses? Maybe I am just lucky. But isn't it fair to
> that maybe, just maybe, I am not as ignorant as you might believe, and
> maybe I may **know just a little something,** or be doing 'something' at
> least kinda right ? Susan, I'm sorry, I really do not want to sound as if
> am bragging here. Just stating facts about my ownership of horses that you
> may not be aware of. ***************
It would be inappropriate of me to publicly repeat what you told me
privately, but my judgements were based on that, plus a little exploration
of AERC records.
> ***** I never said that *I* was blinded by science. Never said that
> was foreign to me either.
I'm not going to argue semantics with you, Robyn. Just pointing out the
errors in your logic, but as I've always stated, feed your horses however
you like. Just don't make general statements as fact about the evils of
ingredients which (sorry) you *don't* understand without expecting to be
challenged on them.
Susan G
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