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Re: old horses

That sounds like an awful lot of riding.  Could you perhaps be overdoing it?
Remember that you have to give your horse's body time to recover from's not the actual "riding" that conditions your horse, it's
the recovery time that adapts the muscles and cardiovascular, strengthens
the bones and tendons, etc.  Nancy Loving suggests gives one day off for
every 10 miles of competition.  I do the same when I am conditioning...if I
ride hard on a weekend and sometimes I will do 20-30 miles, I allow a couple
of days of rest instead of just one day inbetween.  Also, why would your
horse kill you if you gave him beet pulp everyday?  Our horses get beet pulp
everyday and look and feel like a million bucks.  Healthy (haha) as horses!
:)  Beet pulp will not turn a horse into a murderous maniac!  :)  Do you
supplement any thing?  Any grain or E or Se?  Just curious for more
information...any other thoughts out there????

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