>>I am feeding my friend's horses while she is out of the country. She had
a hair analysis done on her 12 y.o. mare on the recommendation of the
Homeopathic chiro/accupuncturist vet. He prescribed coconut soya oil, and a
liquid silica supplement, plus a myriad of other things that my friend said not
to worry about. Is there a specific reason for coconut oil? Do horses in
tropical climates eat coconuts(Howard?) And is silica deficiency common? This
poor girl is losing her appetite with all this vile stuff he wants her to be
fed!! <<
See, this is where I start becoming a
little disillusioned with alternative therapies. My mother insisted I went
that route, as an alternative to cortisone, and had this weedy little man
prescribe something called "mucilin" which he guaranteed would
"cure" my Crohn's disease. Of course I didn't believe him, but I
was willing to try it, so see if it would at least alleviate symptoms. My
mom, bless her heart, spent a fortune on the stuff. I got half-way down
one bottle before just the smell of it made me throw up. I couldn't finish
the course.
My other problem with many of the
alternative therapies as that their marketing drive is often "fear"
based. The world is dying. Doctors are the Enemy. Your body is
infested with a million poisons. Only homeopathy can cure you.
Whilst I'm not about to dismiss the damage pollution and an unhealthy lifestyle
can do, I, like Susan, am also not prepared to buy into the consipiracy theory,
I do use homeopathy, and
allopathy. Lif's Blue-Green algae is wonderful stuff. Rescue Remedy
is marvellous, Aloe Juice helps me tremendously. But when my stomach is
killing me, Buscopan is my best friend!
And when my horse has an illness /
injury, the very first person I phone is my vet. I just don't have time
for hair analysis.
Common sense can sometimes be an
oxymoron, I guess.