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Heart Monitor Reading Questions

I have just started riding with a HM and am curious about the readings I'm getting.
After warming up and on short conditioning rides (10-15 miles), my gaited mare
consistently works in the 130-140s at about 8-9 mph on gradual climbs and short hills;
and in the 110-120s when slowed to 4-5 mph.  She prefers travelling at 8-9 mph. 
On steep climbs, she will peak at 170, but drop immediately into the 130s-140s
as soon as exertion is over.
When pulled to a stop, her bpm drops to the 80s in about a minute, and to the 60s in
about 2 minutes.
I am concerned that she works consistently at such a "high" reading, but her attitude
and impulsion are very forward.
My questions:  How do these readings compare to what others are getting on their horses
for this type of conditioning work?
and, Are there horses who have a higher threshold for anaerobic work (a level higher than
the 150 bpm suggested in the HM literature for when their systems begin working
Sue Riegel, So. Oregon
Distance Peruvians and Rescue Keeshonden

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