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Re: Animal By-Products in Feed
> Susan,
> I really did not mean to offend or upset you or anyone else in any way. I
> very sorry, and did not mean for any of this to turn into a "traditional
> medicine" vs. "holistic medicine" battle.
You neither offended or upset me. I would argue just as hard for any claims
that were made across the board without some substance to back them up.
> the world's health problems are a sole result of by-products. Of course
> are not. I was simply offering my personal experience of diet and it's
> effects, and an excerpt as quoted from the Whole Horse Journal.
That's fine, but for what it's worth, I have heard *alot* of claims made
from the Whole Horse Journal that are just palin wrong. Not a difference of
opinion, not a difference in lifestyle. Wrong. JMO, I wouldn't count on it
as a source of solid information.
> Yes, I have an extensive biology, chemistry, and science background.
This is just out of curiousity, may I ask what it is? You can reply
privately if you like. I only ask because I can recommend some sources for
clinical nutrition, but they're not light reading if you don't have the
physiology background already.
No, I
> am not a researcher by profession ( I love to research for myself and
> animals), and do not have research in front of me to back up that
> article's claim. I'm just a person that meant to simply offer personal
> experience for what it is worth. That's all.
No problem with that whatsoever. I just think it was important to point out
that there were some serious flaws in the article you were quoting. Not a
thing wrong with any of your opinions, even if they might not coincide with
Susan G
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