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Thought you all might enjoy this quate...It's out
of that book "Of Women And Horses"
"This creature is not so innocent. Given the
opportunity, the horse will provoke from you an invitation into your life.
It will then increase its demands on you until those demands are beyond your
means. When your monetary resources are at their limit, you will be
convinced that you have to purchase another horse, and then another and
another. You will gradually begin to take on a weary appearance. You
will begin to ignore normal societal pressures and concentrate on more basic
needs such as food and sleep. Your life, although complex, will slowly
become simpler. Patience, something we humans hate to succumb to, will
become a natural tendency rather than an unattainable virtue. The clarity
that comes from hard work will begin to show itself to you and the fog that
permeates "life in the fast lane" will begin to lift. Then, as the fog
lifts, you will begin to understand why so many have given in to the will of
their masters---the horse."
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