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K S SWIGART katswig@earthlink.net
TO: The AERC Board of Directors
FROM: K S Swigart (AERC# 8629)
DATE: 8 March, 2001
RE: AERC Yearbook
Not being an attendee at convention, I have not yet received my
copy of the yearbook (and I wouldn't have expected to); however,
judging from Karen Chaton's comments to RideCamp (and being
aware of some of the problems in the past), I have an idea.
Just like we did in high school....
...let's have a "Annual" Committee.
It seems to me that the AERC office is more than busy enough with
the day to day running of the office and with performing the
assorted (and myriad of) tasks associated with the Convention
itself. Putting together a quality publication at the same
time as its biggest crunch (figuring year end standings, planning
and implementing Convention, processing new members applications)
is just too much to ask.
And since it is something that almost all high schools (and many
junior high schools--but usually with parental assistance so that
doesn't really count) do without too much trouble, it ought to be
something that a group of volunteers could do and have it be a
super publication...and have a good time doing it.
And if it is to be done well then, like high school year books,
the "Annual Committee" should be chosen at the beginning of the
year and should start working together right away (I can think of
a few things that could be started on tomorrow).
So, taking a page from John Parke with regards to the Regional
Awards presentation:
I will volunteer myself to be the chair of this committee, and I
will volunteer Karen Chaton (without even talking to her :)) to
be a co-chair.
To be fair and to get a balanced publication, I do think that it
should have representatives from all (or at least most) of the
regions (I even already have some ideas about improvements to the
publication related to how the regions are presented).
So, any other volunteers?
cc: RideCamp
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