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Re: Re: Club foot vs. laminitis, Cushing's dz.
#1...I don't believe my guesses were wild assed at
all. We have taken a lot of time, research and thought as
well as made many, many phone calls in trying to help the owner find some
#2...If you are implying that Nelson "caused" the club
foot, you are barking up the wrong tree. The mare has always had a mild
club foot. And I never said anything about shoeing....she has always been
barefoot. The owner is the one talking heartbars. Treating a club
foot is far different from treating a laminitic one.
#3...Laminitis is an inflammation of the laminae while
founder is sinking of the coffin bone. We do not feel she is currently
experiencing any inflammation nor is there evidence of separation in the
x-rays indicating founder. In light of the one past episode with an
abscess and the possibility she has Cushings, we definitely need to watch her
for future bouts of laminitis.
#4...For whatever reason you feel compelled to make an
argument here. That was not my intention in writing to RC and I apologized
previously to Steph for being off topic. At this point, we have offered
what information we can to the owner and it is up to her to follow up.
Anyone who wants to find out what happens to her may e-mail me privately and
I'll be happy to share the outcome.
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