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Re: Questions re: heart problems -- long

> So, my first question is:  given the sub-Arctic conditions we've had in
> Kansas, is it possible that my mare acquired a significant worm load
> November and now?

It is possible that your horse has a load of worms in hypobiosis---infected
last fall, the larvae encyst and go dormant for the winter and in early
spring, start to emerge, become active all at once and cause a ruckus.  So
yes, she could have a parasite load.

> not stall my horse.  Second, what causes a low phosphorus level and what
> a low phosphorus level do to my horse?

Dietary insufficiency or extreme imbalance (unlikely), disturbances in
intestinal uptake, increased metabolism and cellular uptake, acid-base
disturbances (ie repiratory alkalosis, unlikely, or metabolic acidosis,
possible), or most likely, tubular kidney disease.

Might indicate other problems, especially in light of the high heart rate,
etc.  Let us know what the vet says.  Good luck.

Susan G

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