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Re: club rotation vs. laminitis rotation

Maggie, if the horse is possibly foundered and having Cushinoid problems as well, *why* is she being fed large grain meals?
Also, I'm not sure I would trust the 79 glucose reading---one of the things we found out collecting blood samples this past summer at Swanton is that the time delay between collecting the blood and getting it spun down and analyzed results in an artifically low glucose reading.  The on-site glucose reading you were talking about taking will probably be more accurate than the chem panel the vet pulled.
Good luck getting this figured out.
Susan G
----- Original Message -----
From: mmieske
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 8:03 AM
Subject: RC: club rotation vs. laminitis rotation

diabetic!  I am going today to take her blood glucose before and after she eats a large grain meal (thanks, Linda for that suggestion) said the bloodwork showed it was 79 when he drew blood.  This vet is a nice guy but he's mainly a cow vet and I'm

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