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Re: RC: EN
On Fri, 05 January 2001, "Truman Prevatt, PhD" wrote:
> While I can see this is not going to be popular, I'll throw it out
> anyway.
I think it's a bloody brilliant idea and would be one of the first in line for it. As AERC's only Egyptian/Canadian member, I only get EN when it comes to my son's university address, he remembers to check his mail, remembers where he put it with anything else that might have come, and gives it to someone in NY who is Cairo-bound. I know that it will be passed around about 30 endurance folk once it finally gets to me, but if it were on-line, I could look things up and just email the info. We have a ROTTEN mail service and so few conduits for information. And putting it up online, it could be as colourful as anyone likes.
Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
Still freezing in NY but next weekend I go home and get to try out the saddle that Sharon Saare made for my mares (lucky me it fits them both and quite possibly their sons as well!)
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