----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 4:55
Subject: RC: endurance driving
Hello ridecampers,
Nelson is interested in training some of our horses to
drive this year and perhaps eventually trying out some endurance driving, even
if it's only conditioning with us as we ride. For any of you who have
been doing this, we are curious if you might have suggestions for
harnesses...we are having a biothane harness made and figure we might as well
add in any modifications or future necessary things at the time it is
made. Nelson has had many good ideas and our Amish guy had a few ideas
of his own...we would welcome any thoughts or suggestions on making the
equipment practical for endurance. Do we need a special sponge
attachment???? <VBG> Hahaha...but who knows??? That
could become a whole nother sport...sponging on the fly from the seat of a
cart. Speaking of which...we have something in mind for a cart, too but
any thoughts and suggestions on carts are also welcome!! Thanks all ya'
all...hope I got that right (see! I have been lurking!).