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Re: re: AERC Awards, & EN
As I've mentioned before, I don't expect to ever have to worry about what
ever will I do with ho hum, yet another regional or national award (well,
okay, a girl can dream, though), but after having mused about this, I like
the idea about the patches to sew onto a bragging jacket. My only
difference in opinion with (was it Karen's?) idea is that I think even the
Biggie Awards should be a fairly smallish size, maybe 3 or 4" in diameter
max, so you have room for lots if you're one of those chosen few who keep
winning everything in sight year after year.
I know *I* would much rather have one special jacket with numerous award
patches on it signifying a long and successful career (and isn't that the
point?) rather than one jacket, one award, or certificates to put on the
wall, or plaques or trophies cluttering up my living room. What a
conversation-starter a really cool jacket would be covered with patches
indicating mileage, regional awards, national awards, Hall of Fame, AERC vet
<g>, etc. You'd have to be pretty special to have a jacket like that, and
those people that have earned them would certainly deserve the extra
attention they'd garner. It's just the same as the ribbons you earn in the
military for time spent, skills acquired and different duty stations and
accomplishments. When you have a whole chest full of those things, well, it
means something.
After Angie's story of the Klingon award vests <g>, I know different people
have different tastes in jackets, so it would seem reasonable to just let
each person buy their own jacket, vest, horse blanket, saddle pad or
whatever for themselves to sew their patches onto. Kat doesn't care, so she
can use hers as coasters <g>. If AERC dispensed with the individual
embroidered names and horse names on each award patch (as I doubt the
recipient would be shy about telling all comers every detail if asked), and
just had the year and award, the cost would be lower than it is right now.
I know the Tevis buckles can't be all that expensive, and yet because they
indicate membership to an exclusive group, and which can only be earned and
not bought, those buckles really mean something. When I get mine someday,
it'll sure mean a lot to me. Seems to me the AERC awards should have the
same idea associated with them---an exclusive and hard-won award, not a
reimbursement for the money you put into getting it, eh?
Just my thoughts,
Susan G
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