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Thoughts on dues from a potential new AERC member...
I'm planning to join the AERC this year for the first time. I have to say
that the $65 fee is a bit intimidating, or I would have joined last year.
But this is something I've dreamed of doing and I'm going to pay it somehow.
But, if it was any higher I'd probably have to forget it. I'm trying to take
into consideration the $10 per ride I save as a member and determine if it's
cost effective. The EN is a plus that I'd like to receive and to me has
I do have a 96 diesel, the payments are killing me, but I see an end in
sight! My previous vehicles were bought in 84 and 85 and I still drive the
84 and still hope to get the 85 running again. I haven't had cable TV for a
couple of years, can't afford it. I don't get the paper. I do have a cell
phone as I have heart disease and see it as a necessary expense to summon
help in an emergency. I've let the horse magazines lapse, too expensive. The
only one I've kept up is one of the plain B&W publications that is packed
with useful info. I've made a lot of concessions in our lives (much to my
husbands dismay at times >g<) to afford horses. Endurance is a dream of
mine, but one I will have to forego if the cost gets any higher. Between
travel and entry fees, it is an expense sport (for me anyway).
So this is the just thoughts of one prospective new member that 'will' join
this year (with the 25% discount thanks to Sundowner Trailers). But if there
is an increase in fees next year, I'll have to think twice about it. And
maybe I'll just have to make do with weekend trail rides with our local
gaited horse club (at least they like to do fast trail rides!), dues $15
annually or $20 for a family.
Take care everybody. I hope to meet some of you on the trail this year. And
thanks to Darolyn's interest in the Barefoot movement I just may be able to
convince a RM or two to let me ride this year!!
Thanks for listening.
Cheryl Shelton
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