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Re: Sick Horse
> that too and nothing. I was feeding grass hay and Omelene 200 (Purina)
> about 14 lbs hay and 5 lbs grain at this time.
> another Ivermectin. Our vet also suggested I change to straight Alfalfa
> because he looked as if he had a protein deficiency.
Angie, I can't comment on what else might be going on with your boy, but
it's not a protein deficiency, and I could happily natter on for about four
hours why not. Sorry, your vet gave you bad advice on that score. He might
be a great vet, but he's no nutritionist.
No offense to your vet, but it sounds a bit like he trying to use a shotgun
when you need a rifle. Have you had a complete CBC and chem panel done to
rule out other possibilities? You might try seeing if there's another
equine vet in the area, because this one doesn't seem to be making alot of
forward progress. Or, are you within range of a vet school---by definition,
they seem to specialize in the hard stuff and might be worth consulting,
either by taking your horse there, or having your vet consult with them for
possible directions to explore.
Good luck,
Susan G
- References:
- Sick Horse
- From: "Angie Nathe" <angie_nathe@hotmail.com>
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