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Re: RC: Re: AERC Board Minutes
> How true. Don't you get tired of some people who constantly look for some
> way to cut down AERC, the BOD, and just about anything else relating to our
> decisions? I guess it's like criticizing our federal govt.; it makes lively
> conversation, but personally I get really tired of it. We work DARN hard to
> make decisions as fair as possible for the members. And besides, is the
> year-end award the real reason riders are involved in this sport?
> Personally, I ride for the pleasure of seeing new country and discovering new
> ways to relate to my horse.
The real reason people complain is lack of
communication and information. We bitch because
we feel we did not have the opportunity to voice
an opinion before a decision was made...this is
true with government on any level, be it, Federal
or way on down to the AERC Board.
It is not reasonable to expect the BOD or any
entity to consult it's constituents on every
issue. And it does not matter if they are elected,
appointed, paid well or volunteers. Communication
is the key to everything and it is unreasonable to
expect every person to communicate every issue to
every person. That is why we have the
"democratic" process.
There will never be a solution, only continued
conflict. We are all individuals and have our
opinions, the best we can do is see to it that
those who represent us do so with our best
interests in mind. And everyone has his/her own
opinions and agenda.
Teddy Lancaster
WARNING: We will be unavailable from January 25 to
March 13, 2001 as we will be attending trade shows
around the country. Please plan ahead.
If they are shooting at you, you must be doing
something right--
Does this mean I cannot tell the Emperor he has
no clothes unless I have a Kingdom?
Running Bear Farm, Inc.
1348 Township Road 256
Kitts Hill, Ohio, 45645 USA -
1-800-533-2327, FAX: 740-533-0337
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