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RE; explorer pulling trailers
look up the brenders trailer.
I also want to add there is not a really safe trailer out there. If there is
a 100% safe one then why aren't there 100% safe vehicles?
I am getting ready to go to Panoply a festival of the arts in Huntsville. We
are in the pre plan stage. Every year the coke guy and I catch up on horses.
I will never forget the story that he told me coming back from North
Carolina from a horseshow. This has been several years ago.
He had a nice rig. A ponderosa goosneck with a nice dressing room. he had
the chains on and all. Driving down a busy interstate.A smaller car came off
the exit and clipped him. In the front. He lost control of his rig It
jackknifed. the smaller car hit a van and rolled. onto the interstate. A
truckdriver hit the goosneck so hard it went entirely through the trailer
and kept going!!!
the guy in the small car came back to the driver and started cussing him
out. the guy in the truck beat up some but able to get out of his wrecked
truck took his gun out to go make sure horses were dead because they was not
going to be much to be saved. shot the guy in the arm. and went to take care
of his horses. another truck driver ran over and helped him. He lost all
three of his horses. didn't have to waste a bullet. the people in the van
were shaken but okay. the guy in the small truck was treated and was taken
into custody for drunk driving, wreckless driving, and possesion of drugs
with the intent to resell. The trooper on duty was a horseman himself. the
driver of the rig was later found and charged with leaveing the scene of an
the coke guy has yet to get another horse, when I talk to him and he
rehashes the event he Always has tears in his eyes. His horses did quite
well for him in that show.
so when they make a 100% safe trailer I will be standing in line to purchase
Carla (i am a truck driving woman!!)
Ansata (oh moms sexy gray truck goes with my coloring!!)
Haley (does brown and lite green go together??)
Rob (wanting one of those nice range rover SUVs or a new tundra!!)
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