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Re: RC: Re: spooking A-rabs theory
In a message dated 02/24/2000 8:30:20 AM Pacific Standard Time,
j.mills@gateway.net writes:
<< i have a psychologist friend, who knows almost nothing about horses, and
theory is that arabs are spookier because they are smarter. he sees the
same in more intelligent human clients who tend to scan the enviornment more
for input. >>
Our Arabs and part-Arabs are better watch animals than the dogs. We call
them, naturally, watch-horses. They are taller, therefore can see farther
than dogs. They also detect the slightest movement about 1/4 mile away.
Great way to spot wildlife.. coyotes, bobcats, deer, etc... We use them on
patrol for state parks and they spot people, too. Once we located a peeping
tom who was hiding in the brush on top of a sand dune, watching the ladies
sunbathing on the beach below. My horse walked within a couple of feet of
him as he hid under a big bush. I'll bet he was near panic with all those
equine feet so close. We flushed him out of the brush and herded him up the
beach back to where he should have been, with his friends. It was rather
funny to us, but I suspect rather humiliating to him.
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