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Re: RC: Temp under saddleblankets
Hi Lee,
Being that you are in Arizona, I thought I would forward you the
following passage written by Captain Randolph B. Marcy in the 1859 publishing
of his book "The Prairie Traveler" (The Best-Selling Handbook for America's
"A saddle-blanket made of moss is used in some of the Southwestern
States, which is regarded by many as the perfection of this article of horse
equipment. It is a mat woven into the proper shape and size from the beaten
fibers of moss that hangs from the trees in our Southern States. It is
cheap, durable, is not in any way affected by sweat and does not chafe or
heat the horse's spine like the woolen blanket. Its open texture allows a
rapid evaporation, which tends to keep the back cool, and obviates the danger
of stripping and sudden exposure of the heated parts to the sun and air.
The experience of some of our officers who have used this mat for years
in Mexico and Texas corroborates all I have said in its favor; and they are
unanimous in the opinion that a horse will never get a sore back when it is
placed under a good saddle."
....Anyway, this book was a very interesting read. I highly recommend it.
(It outlines the proper method for packing a horse, swimming a horse, etc.,
and a whole lot of information on crossing the plains, reading "sign," etc.)
Now, if we only had some moss here in western Nebraska...
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