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Re: RC: staying awake
Well, my husband has been known to get off in a grassy field & lay down for
a nap while the horse grazes!
I just run on adreneline, though I've dozed off on the horse a time or two.
I can't ever relax enough to sleep in a vet check, but if you have a crew to
take care of the horse you might.
For me it's the hardest thing about doing 100's, cause I never sleep good
the night before either. Usually have to get up by 2 or 3 to start the ride.
Nancy Mitts
How do
>you stay awake?
>Do you just run on adrenaline? Sleep on the horse & hope that it doesn't
>spook out from under you? Grab a quick nap? Realize that the
>front-runners probably don't have that problem, but what about the rest?
>Any ideas?
>Roseburg, Or.
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