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Re: RC: Carbo question
In a message dated 2/25/00 10:08:39 AM Pacific Standard Time,
smcintos@rapidnet.net writes:
<< Hi:
OK... I finally have some carbo product to work with. For those of you who
are experimenting with it, do you use it on long training rides? If so do
you give a dose before you start out, or just every two hours or when? I
tasted it and it tastes nice, just ever so slightly sweet. Supposedly easy
to feed to the horse.
The only drawback is the Carb Load i have doesn't have chromium as we are in
Canada with gov't restrictions. Should I add my own chromium (which kind?
and how much?) or just try the product without chromium?
Tell me what you guys think. >>
I believe the chromium is important. You need 3.5mg per 4 oz of long-chained
sugar. Use Glocose Tolerance Factor chromium (chroium polynicotinate).
Available at health food stores.
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