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Re: RE: spooking arabs theory
What about port-a-potties? (Surely I'm not the only one that has to ride
by these as well as mattresses, toilets, chairs and various other sorts
of junk?)
Anyway, part of where I ride is what I call a dirt pit - it's a big
hill/pasture/farm area owned by a local contractor who mines it for top
soil and dirt for their building projects. So the hills vary over time
and sometimes we have to go around dump trucks and whatever those big
conveyor type monster things are that sift the dirt.
Those are bad enough but out there are also two port-a-johns which Tony
always gives a wide berth to everytime we ride. Now, keep in mind we've
only been going by these creatures for oh, two years but that's no
reason to get lax about them Tony says - who knows what they could be
waiting to do to you.
Sometimes I ride in the AM before work (yes I get up early and yes I am
very lucky to have a flexible work schedule) but I can never beat the
dump trucks and of course their drivers. Last week I was out just before
7AM and there was a dump truck idling but no driver and it was parked
across from the porta-a-john.
Tony and I think at the same time (tho I'm sure for different reasons)
that this is NOT a good sign. We had to go between the dump truck and
the port-a-john to keep riding. You can only imagine what that was like
- we went at warp speed trying at the same time to stay away from the
dump truck and the port-a-john - pretty tough when when they are across
from each other.
For the sake of this story, I'm sorry to say he did not come out of that
port-a-john when we went by - I'm not even *sure* he was in there when
we went by.
All I know is when we got to the top of the hill and looked down there
was a driver in the truck and the port-a-john door was open.
of course Angie would say I missed out on a prime opportunity to get his
heart rate up :)
CMKSAGEHIL@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 2/24/00 5:23:38 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> provincmk@fanninelectric.com writes:
> << A friend of mine just bought a little miniature stallion---who tried to
> make
> friends with the other horses---resulting in the first time her horses ever
> broke through her fences. In their efforts to escape the mini---who just
> kept following them--they ended up about five miles down the road. (And
> these were not just Arabs (G)) >>
> PIGS!! No intelligent Arab stands for PIGS!! Especially when the little
> beasties are abruptly startled from a nap in the sun to a squealing retreat
> as one rounds the corner on one's intelligent Arab.... :-)
> Heidi
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