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Re: RC: RC: New born foals
In a message dated 2/24/00 10:57:16 AM Pacific Standard Time,
dianne.martin@gte.net writes:
<< Well, it's been a long time since I was employed as a breeding manager,
but we
used to give the foals a Tetanus Anti-toxin after foaling (along with
the umbilical in iodine). That may no longer be standard practice, what do
vets on the list say? >>
Provided the mare is properly immunized for tetanus, the colostrum is just as
effective at preventing tetanus and eliminates the need to give an injection
to the newborn--which always carries some risk (no matter how careful you
are) of abcesses or other side effects. Tetanus toxoid administered to the
mare at least 30 days prior to foaling will help to ensure maximal antibodies
to tetanus in the colostrum. The one proviso to this is to at least monitor
early nursing behavior and the mare's production of colostrum, and to check
IgG levels in the foal if there is any room for doubt. If IgG levels are not
adequate, a tetanus antitoxin can be given any time within the first 48 hours
of life to be protective.
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