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spooking A-rabs theory
okay...here's a theory(I'm not old enough to have a theory so this is
obviously someone else's.)
wanna know why arabs spook? It is because they have more self worth. They
aren't about to let some rock beat them up! And there's no way they are
going to stand there while some shadow jumps out at them!!!! See, quarter
horses don't spook as much because they have nothing to live for. They are
so depressed(or calm, to the untrained eye) because all they can think is
"I'm fat...and my feet are too small to hold my 1400 pound body....look how
big my butt is." I mean, can you blame them? So, next time your arab
spooks, dust yourself off, get back on, and say "you're right, you are too
precious to let that leaf blowing in the wind take your life.."
okay, okay....if you are really mad at me right now....I'm just kidding!!!!
C'mon, admit it...I got your heart pumping, didn't I
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