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hi all
Hello everyone. I haven't posted anything in a few days. You all probably
thought I was dead since I normally post at least 400,000 questions each day.
But no, I'm still here, I have just been busy helping my farrier friend.
When I don't have school, I ride around with him and work as his assistant.
I have learned lots about farriery (if that's the way you say it....guess I
haven't learned THAT much if I don't even know what it's called.) I never
knew there were so many kinds/sizes of shoes!
anyhoo, I have a question. It's a stupid one but hey, its a question.
does anyone ride in a western saddle? I mean WITH a horn! I don't mean
those 400 pound old western saddles, I am just wondering if anyone rides in
one and doesn't mind the horn punching you in the gut everytime you go up a
hill. I like western saddles but I hate how the reins get caught on the horn
sometimes. Let me know. thank you everyone. I hope you have been getting to
ride, it has been raining quite a bit here in WAY northern Ca. I rode
Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday(same horse on Fri/Sat/Mon, different one
on Sun.) so I can't complain but I wish I could have ridden today! oh well,
like I said...can't complain. Anyone planning on doing any rides anytime
soon? I am...I'm planning on getting to go for a simple training ride once
this weather clears up....okay, okay, so that's not what I meant...does
anyone have any endurance rides or competetive trail rides planned?
I watched an old ESPN special on Tevis from 1989 (actually, the year my old
horse did it). It made me want to go camping and do a ride so bad!!! I can't
wait until this summer!
okay, send smarts this-a-way!
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