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Re: RC: PCV/dehydration

Hi Terre,
I couldn't read your entire message.  What did the MD find with the 
Hct and plasma volume?
White blood cells always go up in marathoners; this is thought to be 
in part an inflammatory/stress response. 
> 	I work in a hospital lab analyzing blood.  One year, one of our docs wanted
 to do some studies on some of the humans running our marathon.  he 
drew blood before, during, and after the race; he was e> 	The 
intersting thing (to me) was that the wbc increased 3 to 4-fold (from 
a mean of 7-8 to one one 25-35).  All granulocytes (neutophils)--ie 
the absolute Lymphocyte count remained pretty stable.  I> 
	There--THAT was a lot of help, wasn't it?
Beth Glace, MS, CDN
Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma
Lenox Hill Hospital
New York, NY

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