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Re: RC: PCV/dehydration
In a message dated 2/22/00 12:44:43 PM Pacific Standard Time,
tobytrot@bigfoot.com writes:
<< The intersting thing (to me) was that the wbc increased 3 to 4-fold (from
a mean of 7-8 to one one 25-35). All granulocytes (neutophils)--ie the
absolute Lymphocyte count remained pretty stable. I considered this evidence
of marrow stress (opinions?), perhaps due to the marrow attempting to produce
more rbcs (in response to increased need for oxygen), but being much slower
than with wbcs. (Does that make sense?) Anyway, question 1) since horses
can do the splenic thingy to meet increased oxygen debt, how do you relate
increased hct to dehydration without considering that factor? Question 2)
has anybody looked at the wbc picture with horses? Is it similar? or does it
not occur? If it does happen, can anyone think of an application for the
There--THAT was a lot of help, wasn't it? >>
I'm not seeing anything radical going on with WBCs. And we're doing some
radical things, so something should have showed up by now. I'l go over the
reports again.
Oxygen is not a problem in endurance horses. So if there is a bump in WBC, it
would have to be something other than an oxygen problem. On the other hand,
top human marathoners run at 80% VO2 Max, so that could be a factor there.
Endurance horses perform at nowhere near that level--although I've heard it
said that they are athletically superior to any species on the face of the
earth--and on Mars, for that matter.
Splenic contraction does play a part in the hematocrit readings, so you
almost have to have a history on the horse before concluding much there--but
total protein adds to the picture for a better indicator.
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