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Re: RC: California Horse Owners: Please Read.

In a message dated 2/22/00 12:50:53 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< How is this supposed to work with "forage" that is brought into CA from,
 say, Nevada?  Does CA get to send its inspectors out to other states to
 certify their crops, field by field?  Or do we count on a reciprocal
 system, where CA can accept a NV certification?   >>

This is a REALLY good question.  A couple of years ago, the BLM was going to 
require us to have "certified" hay at one of our rides.  OUR OWN STATE 
(Oregon) did not even have a certification program at that time (and I'm not 
sure they do yet, although they were working on one) and it took several 
calls to various officials and then getting those officials to talk to each 
other to keep the BLM from writing that as a requirement in our permit.  The 
concept of weed free hay is nice, but it seems that the requirements are 
going into place before the machinery to provide for certification is in 
place in far too many instances...


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