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some 20 Muleteam info
I have some 20 MT info for the 65 and 100 mile ride since no one
else has posted.
200+ horses in ride
30 Miles - won in 2:30 - no idea who though about 57 start - 55 finish
65 Miles - 90 start 78 finish
Dabney Finch - Ozur(sp?) about 5.5 hours riding time
Kim Christlieb - ??
mary thompson - zane gray - may have been 4th or third
Patty Danley and DeDe - took BC - either 3rd or 4th
Bob Edwards - ?? - R&T tie guy in early 70s - amazing
Judy Etheridge - ??
Mike Maul - Fire Mtn Beau - riding time 6:25
Don Skinner - ?? - 6:28 or so
rest I do not know
100 Mile - about 50+ starting
Jennifer Altman - ?? - time unknown
Pat Skinner - ?? - might be wrong on this
Heather Bergantz - Red
suzy Kelly in top ten somewhere
think Judith Ogust finished but don't know placing
Pulls Frank Smith, Becky Hart, Lori Oleson, Brian Reeves(RO)
Clark palfreyman(sp?, think wendy Meridini pulled
Sorry I cannot give more detail but rode this one instead of
Started raining on sunday as we left - very glad it was not Saturday.
weather Sat was cool and cloudy.
Nice ride - beautiful country and well marked trail.
W/CT Regions
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