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Re: dehydration
In a message dated 2/20/00 6:37:46 PM Pacific Standard Time,
tondi313@yahoo.com writes:
<< > We are currently experimenting with some ideas like
> this in the UAE. There
> are now "portable" blood analyzers available that
> can deliver results
> quickly. The parameters we are looing at include
> indicators of dehydration,
> muscle enzymes, cortisol, blood glucose, and some
> other odds and ends.
> > 1. Metabolic difficulties.
> a. dehydration> blood test is most
> accurate
How is a blood test most accurate for dehydration?
Wouldn't the horse have to have a "pre-ride" CBC to
compare the diagnostic test to?>
Not necessarily. Total Protein is a good indicator when combined with an
abnormally high PCV. Also, the science says that a 3% loss of total body
weight during endurance exercise is an indicator of the approach of severe
dehydration and a harbinger of gut water uptake reduction.
> I just looked in on Ridecamp to find this line of
thought and I receive messages in order of latest
If my gelding has skin tenting for 3+ seconds, I am
going to know he is dehydrated. I don't think I will
ask for a blood test (too invasive).>
Different strokes for different folks.
> It seems to me that replicated research on liters of
fluids per hour of exercise, even at specific levels
of effort might be more useful. We tell human
athletes to drink a cup of water every 15 minutes to
prevent dehydration.>
Horses aren't as obedient as humans in that regard.
>All of it will take time and perhaps lots of
volunteers. Would be great to compare a control group
to a test group. So much to factor in.....
I'll let you know how it turns out.
She >>
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