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Re: RC: Re: Re: Tieing up/Cardiac Recovery
In a message dated 2/20/00 1:34:00 PM Pacific Standard Time,
sisufarm@mmmpcc.org writes:
<< It is my feeling that better methods of predicting (that is before the
problem becomes a medical crisis) the following would be of great help:
1. Metabolic difficulties.
a. dehydration
b. tying up
c. electrolyte imbalance
2. Colic
3. Lameness
By this I mean better differentiation of small harmless gait
abnormalities from pain caused by damage to structures. Currently, and
rightly so, vets pull horses on the basis of gait abnormalities and leave
soundness determination to others after the ride. Everyone please note: I
am not advocating that hurting horses be allowed to continue, I'm just
saying that a good lameness examination takes an hour and can't be done in
the field. In my opinion the need for better methods here is much less
than items 1 and 2. >>
Actually, Ed, one of the things about the use of recovery rate coupled with
the CRI is that even though it is non-specific, it tends to be an indicator
that SOMETHING pathological is going on. And in terms of making that
decision of "go or no go" one NEED NOT have a diffinitive diagnosis--only to
realize that the horse has a problem. ONCE THE HORSE IS OUT OF COMPETITION,
then one can take the time to reach a diffinitive diagnosis, whether it is
that hour lameness exam, or a good metabolic workup, or whatever. One of the
things that Kerry pointed out with the CRI is that in most cases, horses even
trying to be stoic about lamenesses will show either an elevation in the CRI
or will have a failure of recovery in the first place. (I can't tell you HOW
many times I've seen horses' pulses hang with nothing particularly visible on
a trot-out, only to have them be Grade 3 lame an hour later.) Just using
lameness as an example--one need not KNOW why the horse is Grade 3 lame to
make a decision that he should not continue on. Once having reached that
decision, THEN one can step back and start appropriate diagnostic procedures
to see if we are dealing with a severe stone bruise, a check ligament injury,
a desmitis, or what have you. And likewise--a horse appears cramped and
humped, and is reluctant to move, and has a hung pulse--the FIRST decision is
that THIS HORSE DOES NOT GO ON. And then one goes on to the diagnostic phase
to see if this is a tie-up or a bellyache.
The CRI has proved to be a great tool to augment all of our other tools in
making that FIRST decision, and that really is the main one that the control
vet has to make, unless he is wearing two hats and being the treatment vet as
well, in which case he then goes on into a more diagnostic phase. At more
and more rides, though, the roles are being split, so other than sharing
one's observations with the treatment vet, the control vet often has very
little or no role in the further workup and diagnostics of that horse.
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