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Re: RC: Re: ride managers
In a message dated 02/19/2000 4:07:42 PM Pacific Standard Time, CMKSAGEHIL
<< This is a valid point, Becky, but on our rides, Paul is the AERC manager,
and I am in camp vetting, so one of us is still "on the ground" to assist the
day manager. The last couple of years he has been the drag rider on our
rides, and hence has finished last--not much conflict of interest, and it
would be a shame for him not to get 50 career miles out of it, since he met
all the requirements, passed all the vet checks, etc. If someone needed
help, he would sacrifice his completion to do so. No matter what the system,
it can be abused. Each ride has unique circumstances, and while I generally
don't like the concept of managers riding, I've also seen it worked out to
the advantage of all. >>
Heidi, I don't see even the slightest problem with this arrangement. Paul
may be listed as the ride manager, but you are very experienced with the job
also. And I think your rides may not be very big (am I right or not?), so it
should work out just fine. If your ride had 100 entries, it might just
take both of you to handle everything. I had the impression that the
original writer thought substituting a non-member (who might just not know
enough about the sport) was OK. I'm listed as the ride manager, as I do all
the paper work, and Lud might chose to ride; or I might cnose to ride but he
knows the ropes, so it is not a problem for him to be alternate. What might
be a problem is having an alternate who didn't know endurance riding, didn't
know the trail, and didn't know the procedures used by the listed ride
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