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Re: RC: Tieing up
In a message dated 2/19/00 8:53:12 AM Pacific Standard Time,
CMKSAGEHIL@aol.com writes:
<< didn't give a rat's patootie about sources
because being able to quote the reference doesn't alter the findings, but
since you seem to be in disbelief when folks in the real world mention facts
without the correct journal quotations, I'm sure the cardiology profs at
school would be glad to oblige you--they were "into" that because they were
an active part of academia themselves, but bless their hearts, they did not
ask us to cite references on exams, nor did any of the board exams require
to cite references, either, so I didn't waste my time memorizing who
discovered what.)
Yes. You do have that difficulty. Dyslexia, perhaps? That's the modern excuse
for ignorance. My guess is that it's more difficult to graduate from vet
school these days. Back then, there was a scarcity--now there's a surplus of
veterinarians. And, of course, there is far more information available.
I have no aversion to facts. I do have an aversion to the flights of fantasy
that occur when a few facta are extrapolated far beyond their importance by
some. A little knowledge can be dangerous--as you prove nearly every day.
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