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Suspensory Injuries

I've been meaning to post this for my friend. She has an Arab gelding that 
after about 6 months of LSD work injured his left front - vet said 
suspensory, later confirmed by ultrasound. Horse had awful shoe job with no 
heels but had also been playing (like an idiot) in a slick muddy pasture. She 
gave him several months off, got an excellent farrier, and started him back 
very slowly. Almost exactly a year later he injured the same leg, but lower 
this time (ultrasound showed two different injury sites). She had been 
crossing some ditches, which were slick and muddy. He had been doing LSD 
work, no speed work yet. Horse is around 14H and 725 lb? Rider and tack 
around 155 lb. Horse's legs are straight. She had been doing alot of extended 
trotting. We have no hills here. I guess thats the details. Questions...does 
it sound like this horse has a weakness in that leg? if the second injury was 
4 months ago, when should work resume(he has been sound for probably 3 months 

                                         Thanks - Shelly

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