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Re: RC: older guys on the trail - summary
In a message dated 02/17/2000 12:54:10 PM Pacific Standard Time,
CMKSAGEHIL@aol.com writes:
<< Dunno exactly when Rio got started, but he had had
an illustrious career for MANY years before his BC win at the WEC at age
19--including AERC National Champion and a whole host of FEI individual
medals. >>
R.O. Grand Sultan "Rio" won the Tevis at the age of 7, so one must presume he
had done some other rides before that, though I just don't remember them. I
would have thought that 7 was a bit young for asking a horse to put out such
an effort, but Becky knew her horse and was confident of his capabilities.
And his lifetime record speaks for itself. He's simply a phenomenal horse.
They don't make too many like him. And they don't make too many like Becky,
either, although I think there are more great riders than there are great
horses. Just my opinion.
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