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I understand the workplace issues some people are discussing and I'm not going to tell anyone to just delete. What I am wondering is if it would be acceptable for those of you who can only get Ridecamp mail at work to access the list archives at the site? Would your employers have a problem with that? I believe the archive site is searchable and you can totally ignore subject headings you don't care to read. This is presuming you  have web access too.
My husband has been living and working in Illinois for a month now and even though he has email through work he is not allowed any kind of personal use with it. Since it's a new job we don't even dare risk it. So I truly do understand these work issues. I'm hoping a reasonable solution can be found for everyone.
I know I'm being pretty mouthy for a major lurker but I've been lurking for well over three years now so feel it's okay just for today.  :-)
Cris Potmesil
Green River, Wyo.
CUR #360

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