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Re: RC: Step stools
In a message dated 02/16/2000 6:56:35 PM Pacific Standard Time,
EnduranceMorgan@aol.com writes:
<< No, you're not alone. I use a step stool whenever I ride and my boys
very tall - 14.2 & 15. It is easier on their backs and definitely easier for
me. Boy, it's a ##### getting old. I have had people at the trail head thank
me for having my step stool out; they use it too.
The two horses I'm riding at the moment are over 15 hands, and my senior body
is stiffer than in my youth. I use my husband's wood chopping block for
mounting in the yard and shamelessly utilize anything I can on the trail ....
a large rock, log, mound of dirt, berm of a road, or simply put the horse on
the downhill side of me. One benefit of this sort of mounting is that the
horses must learn to hold still while I mount. No more of this "a good horse
is one that is 1/4 mile down the trail before I get my leg over his back"
stuff. I was so excited to discover that I could guide the 5-year old to the
mounting block by neck reining while I was standing on the block. Both he
and the 9 year old mare stand while I mount. I've long since given up the
one-foot hop while the horse is moving out onto the trail. I've admired
those plastic mounting blocks available, but can't justify the $35 they cost
when we have this perfectly good chopping block.
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