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Re: RC: Re: twinkies ad nausiem

In a message dated 2/16/00 5:48:22 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< FYI, I know plenty of "real" endurance riders ("real" being your emphasis
 not mine though I am not sure why) who are not impressed with Ridecamp....I
 don't think it is my place to name names but they are Michigan riders and
 it's not just one or even two.  It's several.  They are clients of ours, we
 shoe their horses and I guess if they don't want to be a part of ridecamp
 that is their business and far be it for me to name them.  And if you doubt
 the veracity of that, then that's your prerogative. I would never dare tell
 a "real" endurance rider what to do (where the heck did you get THAT
 impression?).  I never pretended to be the "moderator" of ridecamp...I know
 Steph "polices" it from time to time and I am surprised and disappointed
 that she hasn't stepped in on this thread.  I am entitled to my opinion as
 you are to yours.  I happen to think that this thread deteriorated rather
 rapidly and was in poor taste...I kept reading the posts hoping to see
 something from someone about the original post (putting salt on a mare's
 vulva to cause her to pee) that would give us some clue as to whether this
 was something acceptable or not.  I had never heard of anything like it.  I
 know you guys like a good joke and Howard tells some iffy ride stories
 (still enjoy them though) but there are websites specifically just for that
 kind of entertainment.  I don't think this thread was what Steph had in
 mind when she created ridecamp.  
 Maggie Mieske >>

Is there anyone of any substance in endurance riding in Michigan? I don't 
think I've encountered one yet. Tell me of the Michigan Great Ones I'm 
missing. I've met some of the Great Ones in Ridecamp--and they're actually 
Great. If you're not impressed with ridecamp, why are you trying to moderate 


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