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Re: Heartrates up to 220 again
Tivers@aol.com wrote:
> Again, it's a matter of doing a little bit more each week. What's good for
> Wolfgang's horse MAY just kill your horse. You did the right thing listening
> to the horse. If the horse backs off, even a little bit, the workout is
> over--that way you'll avoid doing severe damage. Even thn, though, you can
> cause damage if you're introducing a whole new stressor suddenly. The Prime
> Law of conditioning horses is "No Surprises".
> ti
Hey, please, no-one should take his/her horse and try to do what I am doing with
Ninja. I own Ninja for 10 years now, building him up gradually. I began IT when
he was 7 and having done much of LSD-work. As I wrote earlier, Ninja's highest
reading was last year, but I am quite sure he will go higher this year (he is 13
now). He is improving from year to year (with an one-year-rest in 1997 because
of a cracked tendon). And I also wrote that his highest readings were in
competition-ready fitness, not at the beginning of a season. I am now doing some
LSD and WTC (walk, trot, canter) and building up the workload to the middle of
April. Then I begin with IT, not earlier. First IT's are in trot, for two or
three weeks, then trot/canter, then canter/galop, then just galop. I let him go
"full out" just to peak for a top event.
Wolfgang + Ninja 11
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