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Re: RC: Name That License Plate!!!

At 4:06 PM -0500 2/15/00, Teddy Lancaster wrote:
>Hey, I have only one day to decide on a vanity plate for my new
>trailer...later I will get one for my truck as well.
>For those of you who do not know me, I tow (will as of Thursday) a 42
>foot aluminum trailer with LQ with a Freightliner FL70 mid-size
>tractor).  See also signature card below.
>SOOOO, let's have a little contest!!!  I will send a $50.00 gift
>certificate to the chosen let's have suggestions!!!! I am
>limited to 7 characters...either all letters or letters and numbers.

OK, I'll play.

8MYMONEY  (ate my money)  appropriate for the truck, eh?

or leave out the E if you don't have that many spaces or it's taken.

FLEWBYU  (flew by you, for the trailer)

another combo:


BUYTEDDY  (whoops, a little risque) BYTEDDY? hehehe

Guess I'll go work now.  ;-)


Ontario, California
Norco Riverdance Ride (PS) 9/2/00
& Rem-member Me, Celesteele

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