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back in the saddle again!
Hello there all ya'll!!
well today I did it. After tacking up my heart just leaped into my chest and
I thought now or never.
It took several hops to get in the saddle. More than the three hop rule! I
had Rob lead Ansata around for a few min while I got my bearings about me. I
actually told him to lead her around while I do a balance check. I rode with
my arms out and let him turn her. I noticed some weakness in my knee. I was
able to walk, trot slow, and do a show canter with her. She was a bit
unnerved I used a hard bit on her so I would have definate control. She was
feeling preettty good about herself. Was rather iritated at her bit. I rode
for a few min but had to get off I felt as if my darn knee was going to be
twisted off. Getting off was harder than getting on! (maybe that should tell
me something!) Ansata was sweaty but in a good mood when I pulled bit out! I
think she was mildly irritated that mom wasn't gonna go go go. Course that
WHOA DAMMIT bit didn't help either. I groomed her off and gave her lots of
hugs that she needed after a bit like that.
snaffle with long shanks with curb chain. But put whoa on her.
hope to graduate to a sidepull.
Carla (iceing knee! but happpy!!)
Ansata (Oh haley that bit was nasty!)
Haley (was it that Billy Allen? that one is good bit very cheewy!)
Rob (why are the horses looking at us like that?)
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