Re: RC: Fuel Prices
TAXES!!!! It is your state!!!
Linda Flemmer wrote:
> Teddy,
> I cried when I saw that site with "low" prices!!! The
> two truck stops at the intersection of our road & the
> interstate are charge $1.789 and $1.829 !!!
> BTW, I see a lot of truckers showering & eating there,
> but NOBODY lined up to buy fuel.
> Now why the *heck* is it so expensive here in WV??
> Linda Flemmer
> --- Teddy Lancaster <teddy@runningbear.com> wrote:
> > For those of you who are interested...Flying J has
> > their fuel prices for
> > all their plazas in the US...
> >
> > http://www.flyingj.com/fuelprice.htm
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Teddy Lancaster
American Endurance Ride Conference # 139422
- Member since 1974
6000+ career miles
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Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
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