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Re: dressage riders
>I did not say that was MY opinion. Just heard someone in a club I
>used =>to belong to. But like a lot of things if you do not understand
it >then =>it is boring.
Don't worry about it. Some people can't think of anything to say, so
they just wait for everyone else to talk, then criticize them. Actually,
*I* heard it described as being like "watching paint dry". >g< I think
dressage is probably like baseball, more fun to play than to watch.
After I learned more, watching was not so 'boring'. But I have gone to Arab
shows and been bored stiff watching. I prefer to be a participant. Same
with baseball. Never liked to watch it much. Just don't watch much in the
way of sports. My 13yo wants to know why they have golf on TV and not more
horse events. I told her it was because the men make those decisions and
along with that goes the fact that they have the MONEY!! There is a saying:
The Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules!! Mary Ann
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